The Virginia Technology & Innovation Caucus
Bipartisan government working on behalf of families, business and progress
for the good of the Commonwealth.
About Our Caucus
The Virginia Technology and Innovation Caucus is a bipartisan group of Virginia legislators focused on the intersection of emerging technology, innovation, social impact, policy & the law.
We are engaged in a statewide effort to ensure that Virginia is a competitive leader in technology and innovation. Our Caucus members are committed to taking a holistic approach to learning about, developing and promoting Virginia’s technology and innovation sectors while considering social and related impacts so that Virginia’s people along with its businesses, schools, healthcare, judicial system, transportation and more can thrive safely together.
Our Caucus seeks to foster and promote technology and innovation, support legislation that creates jobs, enable the responsible use of technology to improve the lives of all Virginians, promote the technology and innovation climate in Virginia, and engage on emerging policy issues.

Founding Members (left to right):
Delegate Cliff Hayes, Delegate Mark Keam, Delegate Shelly Simonds, Delegate Rodney Willett, Delegate Glenn Davis, Delegate Karen Greenhalgh (Founding Vice Chair), Delegate Michelle Maldonado (Founding Chair), Delegate Jackie Glass, Delegate Clint Jenkins, Delegate Nadarius Clark, Delegate Suhas Subramanyan, Delegate Ken Plum (not shown), and Delegate Emily Brewer (not shown).
Current & Emerging Trends of Interest

Quantum Computing, Cybersecurity
Blockchain & FinTech
AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Electric Vehicles
Autonomous Robots & Vehicles
Environmental Technologies
Augmented & Virtual Reality
Biotech, Medical and Healthcare Technologies

Did You Know?
There are:
4.66B Internet Users
4.20B Active Social Media Users
5.22B Unique Mobile Users
Over 6 hours daily time spent using the Internet
Source: DataReportal, Digital 2021L Global Overview
Appearance of AutonomousCars:
1980: The first prototypes of self-driving cars on public roads
1986: The first and truly self-driving car on the road (the Robot Car 'VaMoRs')
1991: U.S. Congress approved a proposal for the development of autonomous cars and infrastructure.
1993: Toyota’s hybrid Prius offered automatic parallel-parking assistance
2009: Google secretly launched its Self-Driving Car Project (now Waymo)
Top 10 Emerging Technologies
Self-Fertilizing Crops
Breath Sensors to Diagnose Diseases
On-Demand Drug Manufacturing
Energy from Wireless Signal
Engineering for better "healthspan"
Reduction of CO2 Footprint of Fertilizer Production
Wireless Biomarker Devices
3D Printing of Homes with Local Materials
Space-based IoT System
Source: World Economic Forum - Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2021 Report. Click here to read report.

201 North 9th Street,
Richmond, Virginia 23219
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